Lock Upp teaser: Did Kangana Ranaut take a dig at the Aryan Khan case and Shah Rukh Khan bailing him out? Feb 11th 2022, 08:05, by support@india.com (BollywoodLife) Lock Upp teaser featuring Kangana Ranaut has been released and it makes us wonder whether the actress has taken a dig at Aryan Khan's case and Shah Rukh Khan for bailing his son out. The actress has spoken a lot of things in the teaser, and she has taken indirect digs at many celebs without taking the names. She has captioned the teaser video as, "Mera jail hai aisa, na chalegi bhaigiri na papa ka paisa! Get ready for #LockUpp streaming FREE from 27th Feb on @mxplayer and @altbalaji Trailer out on 16th Feb."After reading the caption everyone is thinking whether she just took a dig at Salman Khan. In the video Kangana says, "Iss duniya mein 2 type ke log hai, ek jo mujhe pasand karte hai aur dusre woh B-grade strugglers jo meri burai karke news mein rehte hai. Aise haters jinhone meri awaaz ko dabane ke liye FIRs kiye, nepotism ka formula lagaya, meri life ko ek 27*4 reality show banakar rakh diya. Lekin ab meri baari hai aur main laa rahi hu the baap of biggest reality shows; 'My Jail My Rules'. Aur meri qaid mein honge 16 controversial celebrities, jinke saath wahi hoga jo main chahati hoon." Well, her nepotism statement looks like a dig at Karan Johar and her B-grade strugglers dig is at Taapsee Pannu and Swara Bhasker. One more statement of the actress has grabbed everyone's attention. At the end of the video, she says "Yaha papa ke paiso se bhi bail nahi milegi." Now, this statement of the actress makes everyone wonder whether she just took a dig at Shah Rukh Khan for bailing his son Aryan Khan in the alleged drug case. Kangana is known for controversial statements, so it is not surprising that to promote her OTT debut, the actress decided to take potshots at other celebs. Meanwhile, Lock Upp will start streaming on 27th Feb 2022 on ALT Balaji and MX Player. |