Deepika Padukone, Ananya Panday and Siddhant Chaturvedi Gehraiyaan released today and is getting a mixed response from those who have seen it. Deepika's husband took to Instagram to share a picture in which he is kissing her. In the caption, he reviewed the film and wrote, "Doobey haan doobey Ek dooje mein yahaan ?Tour de force ? Transcendent, superlative and sublime! What an absolute masterclass of a performance, baby! Such fine, nuanced and heartfelt artistry! at your consummate and peerless best in this one! You make me so proud! ??? @deepikapadukone #gehraiyaan." With the post Ranveer has set the bar really high for all husbands. Have a look at his post below:
Just a few days ago, Ranveer took to Instagram to share a video in which he was dancing with Deepika on Gehraiyaan's song Beqaaboo in a car. "All the cool kids are doing it! ? ???? @deepikapadukone #beqaaboo #gehraiyaan," read his caption. Giving the film 3 stars, our reviewer Russel D'Silva wrote, "Director Shakun Batra and his co-writers, Ayesha Devitre, Sumit Roy, Yash Sahai, handle a complex narrative with extreme maturity, never once letting our attention slip despite a runtime just a touch over 2 hours and 20 minutes. And, after eons, comes a Bollywood movies, where the entire soundtrack is memorable, but then again, is it surprising that a Karan Johar production boasts good music." He also wrote, "Barring distinct flaws revolving around the motivations of Siddhant Chaturvedi's character and its resolutions, Gehraiyaan is a maturely written, meticulously crafted look on infidelity and adult relationships, with Deepika Padukone delivering her career best act and Ananya Panday coming of age."